English 2018-01-09T08:51:08+00:00

English? No problem at all.

Although this entire website is in Dutch, I am fluent in English.

What I do

I work as a trainer and coach with professionals in STEM-fields on ‘soft skills’: communication, influencing, public speaking and (personal) leadership.

As an engineer (TU Delft) and past project manager I know from experience that we need these additional skills to succeed in our careers.

Because while we tend to focus on the content of our work, most of the issues we face in teams and projects play at the (inter)personal level.

Past experience

I have worked with several international clients from STEM-fields.

My work experience as a project manager enables me to understand the challenging situations STEM-professionals find themselves in.


Please contact me through info@saskiaslotboom.nl or +31 (0)6 19 63 88 83.